Monday, April 28, 2008

Sinus Infection Treatment - 5 Remedies That Work And 5 Proved To Be A Waste Of Time

Your Doctor is completely clueless about the newest New Hampshire Lemon Laws infection treatments. I am sure of it because mine was too. And I have a great Doctor. She listens to, and truly cares for her patients. She tried to get my sinus infections under control-but they just kept coming back.

So she told me to go away. Well kind of-Here is what she said.

"Melody, I don't understand what is happening here. Lets try to find someone who does."

Than she fought with my insurance company for months until they let me see every specialist she could think of. I even saw a chiropractor and a acupuncturist-on my own dime of course. No chance of my HMO paying for that!

Here are the Gamektrgzykhc that didn't help:

Acupressure-No help whatsoever. None. But it was free from a local school that teaches it, so I had to try. They did cure my hiccups though.

Acupuncture. This really did help my back. But acupuncture was no use whatsoever as a sinus infection treatment. And it was $100 bucks a visit! However, having a small oriental lady use you for a pin cushion does tend to take your mind off your problems.

Antibiotics. As a sinus infection treatment antibiotics did seem helpful in the short term. The problem was that my symptoms would return within a week of finishing them. I felt like was on an antibiotic merry-go-round.

Chiropractor. This was a pure desperation move on my part and I have no one to blame but my self. I wanted the pain and pressure to stop so badly that I let the goofy owner of my local health food store talk me into seeing his buddy the chiropractor. Unlike acupuncture this didn't even make my back feel better.

ENT=Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor. This guy was really nice, and if I ever want someone to stick a cold piece of steel with a tiny camera on the end of it up my nose again he will be the first guy I call! Problem was, after he probed me with his camera he gave me a prescription for the same antibiotics my regular doc always gave me.

Here are the things that have helped:

The knowledge that over 90% of all sinus infections have a underlying fungal cause. Thats right-most people who have sinus problems are carrying a fungal (yeast) infection. Ever had a yeast infection ladies? Or how about jock itch boys? Well, you have the same thing living in your sinuses right now-and that is why you never really get over the infection. Once you know the true (fungal) T Shirtsyhyoncjaguu you realize that antibiotics can't be the cure. Antibiotics are known to destroy your body's healthy bacteria-Clearing the way for a fungus or yeast infection to grow like wildfire!

A Neti pot: After the acupuncturist was done poking me all over with needles she told me about how she thought a neti pot would help. It's a strange little pot you use to rinse out your sinuses. If you are reading this you could probably use one-I got mine on ebay.

Sea Salts: These go in the neti pot to make a gentle saline solution.

Apple Cider Vinegar: I drink it-and sometimes put just a teaspoon in my neti pot water if I think a sinus infection is trying to flare up. It tastes extra nasty and burns like you know what. But neti pot + Apple Cider Vinegar = Valley Girl Sinus Infection Treatment That Works!

Garlic Capsules: This is another tip from the pin cushion lady. She said garlic changes your body chemistry just a little-making it hard for the sinus infection to take root. I believe her.

There you have it-just a few of the things that have (and have not) helped me develop my own home sinus infection treatment routine. The really great thing is that since I started looking for natural ways to treat my sinus infections I haven't had to use any antibiotics at all. I have learned to treat the underlying fungal cause. You can too.

If you want to learn more about the program I used to stop my sinus suffering for good here is the link:">

The website is a little on the movie monsters side-But the program works.

I would really love to hear any thoughts or comments you may have!

Thanks, Melody

Melody Fields is a healthy lifestyle fanatic, stay at home mom and consumer advocate. She enjoys writing articles in her spare time.